What Billy Blanks taught me about my business

10-ish years ago I found myself being lifted overhead by Billy Blanks. Yes, that Billy Blanks. 


It was for a photo op while I was on assignment for my reporting job and since this was pre-cloud I probably deleted the photo to make room for my wedding album or something (sorry!).

The job meant a chance to ask the fighter-turned-exercise-tape mogul:

What is the No. 1 thing that keeps people from success?

“Multi-tasking” he answered without missing a beat.

If you’re reading a magazine on a stationery bike, you’re not getting the most from the read or from the workout. You’re just doing two things halfway, he explained.

He might have been talking specifically about working out, but I’ve thought about Billy’s words a lot since that conversation. When I was working from home, I was doing it all halfway. Stewarding my household halfway and getting my job done halfway.

The Treasury gives me a chance to show up 100% at home and 100% at work. And I want to give that to you.

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