The Treasury

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Member Stories: Jessi Deardorf

Jessi Deardorf

Best job I’ve ever had: Bartending - loved the fast paced environment and all the people!

Worst job I’ve ever had: A bagel shop - nothing wrong with bagels, I actually love them, but I am NOT a morning person and I had to get up at 4 to start in order to make fresh bagels and schmear 

Favorite tool I use for work (digital or otherwise): Camera

What problem does The Treasury solve? It is the perfect space to sit and focus for hours, the space is so open, bright, peaceful and positive.  Just a good vibes place to be able to knock out some work!

Productivity hack? To do lists - I don't start a day or week without a very detailed to do list, it feels rewarding to mark off items once completed and it keeps you on task with priorities when you get frazzled

What makes you smile? Puns, I absolutely love puns and anything to do with animals, Alpacas are my favorite

Want to join Jessi & the rest of the coworking crew? The first week’s on us!