Member Stories: Bailey Gordon
Bailey Gordon
Known For: Nonprofit Fundraising Consultant (and probably being the best dressed Treasury member!)
Currently Reading: Beach Read
Fun Fact: She doesn’t drink coffee (gasp!)
Best job you've ever had: I used to manage the workplace giving program and OKCityCard for Allied Arts. I loved that job! I was new to OKC and it was a wonderful way to get to know all the great companies and local businesses as well as meet many people I still admire. Plus, I knew about all the cool arts events so my social calendar was always full!
Worst job you've ever had: I think I've been lucky, because I can't think of a particularly bad job. I worked in a jewelry store one summer and had to dust the glass counters over and over and over again... Probably not my favorite thing I've ever done! I also delivered flowers for a local flower shop in high school. I loved being around the florals, but no one should ever trust me to drive a 13 passenger van. Talk about a hazard on the roadways!
Favorite tool you use for work (digital or otherwise): I've gotten really into Canva lately. I'm a pretty visual person, so if I'm having a brain block it's helped me organize my thoughts and make my presentations look a lot more interesting and professional.
What problem does The Treasury solve for you? The Treasury solves several problems for me. It helps me to separate my work and home lives and be really productive. It's hard to work by yourself when you're a super extrovert like me, so I am grateful for the other members. It's fun to see everyone in the space, bounce ideas off of each other and encourage one another. I also have to mention how gorgeous the space is. It gives me a beautiful and functional space where I can meet with clients. I couldn't imagine a more perfect place to work!
Do you have a productivity hack? I try to group like-items together so that I don't have to switch gears often. It helps me get into the mindset to get a big group of tasks done. I also start with things that are quick sometimes just to get myself going. Once I've checked one item off the list, I'm motivated to do more. I also use my Day Designer religiously to keep myself on task.
What makes you smile? Lots of things--big ideas, watching people achieve their goals, a walk with my dog, travel, show tunes, live theater, a good chocolate chip cookie.
Want to join Bailey & the rest of the coworking crew? The first week’s on us!