Do you get this feeling every Sunday night?
This blog is for any of you scrolling to avoid that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach on Sunday nights.
👀The woman who might even shed some tears tonight dreading going back to work tomorrow.
👀The woman who hates her 9-5 so much but sees no way out.
👀The woman who is starting to lose hope that she can ever work for herself and make a decent living.
👀The woman who is so tired of early mornings and late nights and missing time with her family all to make someone else a lot of money.
I know how you feel because I’ve been there. Keep working. Keep believing in yourself when nobody else does. Keep carving your own path. And if you need a cheerleader right now, join The Treasury. Being surrounded by other women with similar stories is just what you need. Members get:
Free access to a robust calendar of events & programs
Connections with incredible peers & mentors
A downtown OKC mailing address
Unlimited use of private meeting rooms for all your phone calls, Zooms & important meetings
Free quarterly headshots