Treasury FAQs: Do you offer part-time membership?
I have been asked so many times if The Treasury offers part-time memberships. We don't! I believe in providing so much value in your membership that even if you're only at the physical office space once a week, it's worth it.
Did you know there is a dinosaur rock opera on Amazon Prime? Yep. A heavy metal ode to the triceratops has been the soundtrack to my entire 2020. (YES IT'S AS BAD AS IT SOUNDS).
My four-year-old is OBSESSED so I let it play six days a week. But on Wednesdays, that's the babysitter's problem. That one day, I pack up my laptop and head to my office.
Working one day a week is what's been necessary for my family in this season, but The Treasury has helped me to:
feel human
stay somewhat plugged in with other women and
keep my business afloat
So I'm here to tell you that no matter how many days/week you can use the office, it's worth it.
If you're ready to leave the brontosaurus ballad behind for even one day a week, try us a week for free and see if it's a good fit.